1 Peter 3:15 (NKJV)

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear...

Tell them who I am...

The Holy Bible says Jesus is the Son of GOD. The redeemer of the world. The true Prince of Peace, King of Kings and LORD of Lords. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

Jesus is the one who saves us, who makes life possible, who makes us whole and gives us comfort and true peace.

Jesus was no prophet. He is greater than any prophet. Jesus was not a messenger. He was not a regular guy who just figured out the meaning of life and wanted to share it with everyone.

Jesus was most definitely not a myth. A fable, some fairy tale character someone made up. You know it in your core that GOD Almighty is real...that is why you reject him. And why do you reject him? - Because the road is too narrow, the burden too light and the circle too unpopular.

Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior. He knows everything that awaits us at the end of the road. Some of it is quite unpleasant, so knowing this, he wants us to avoid those troubles.

Jesus is the only way to avoid those troubles. He is the Way, the Truth and the Light.

The Way because he is the only way to the Father in heaven. The Truth because there is none besides him. And the Light because he gives us understanding, clarity and makes all things known. Sometimes it says he is the Life, which means just that... in him there is life, where things blossom, grow and are nurtured in abundance.

Jesus was flesh, blood and bones. But Jesus was also divine, sacred and perfect. He was Immanuel. GOD saw fit that we should know what the true consequence of sin is and what the true gift of life is. GOD had sent the Law and given instructions to guide us, but that wasn't good enough. The Laws were too abstract for some of us and for others, simply just words...nothing taken to heart.

So, GOD had to come down to earth and be one of us and live among us and teach us. And even then, when he was right in our face, doing what no man had ever done before, many of us rejected him still. And so it has been since he left Mary's womb.

You say you cannot believe in the possibility of immaculate conception. Yet you can believe in gravity...because scientists tell you it is so. Has science been able to tell you why our bodies are fashioned as they are? Has science been able to tell you why and how we actually reproduce little copies of ourselves? How could you possibly take the word of science when science did not make it so?

Did science form the clouds? Does science make it rain and snow and hail? Is it science that made land mass around the bodies of water?

Is it science that conducts cycles of nature -- that birds have their eggs and make sure to feed the young ones when they hatch? Is it science that makes the lioness kill for her young?

Is it science that wakes you up in the morning?

Is it science that is responsible for these natural herbs and vegetation that feeds us and sustains us? Is it science that gave us water -- the source of life? Is it science that gives you oxygen here and another type of gas in the universe?

Is it science that made the heavens so wonderful to look at? Is it science that put those planets on that path with the sun -- the source of light and life -- as their focal point...as their way?

Can science tell you why there are only those number of planets? Can science tell you why there is only one sun? Can science number the stars? Can science explain why stars die and why they are reborn?

Can science tell you why blood courses through your veins? Can science tell you why you have veins and these cells?

Science can't tell you any of these things. Science can only observe and describe what they observe. Science can not tell you why it is and why you are.

But yet you trust in science. You have made science your GOD. Why? What is it scientists are telling you that did not exist before they were even born, and that will still be when they die, when their bodies decompose and turns back into earth? Do you think science created you and all that is around you? Science cannot even tell you how mankind came to be. Science can't even tell you how this earth, the universe, the heavens came to be.

But they have, you say. No, they haven't. They have made very many guesses. But they are all 'theories,' aren't they? The Big Bang theory. The theory of Evolution. Science will never be able to tell you why and how you are and why what you see around you is. Never. These guesses will remain theories. And isn't that a big leap of faith, my friends? -- That you readily accept the Big Bang theory? You can believe that the beginning of all of this perfection (the order of your bodies, nature and life) is chaos... a random happening. Does the intricacy of your body look random to you? The hair that grows on your head and body? The two eyes that transmit sight? The tongue that allows you to take pleasure in what you eat, and allows you to communicate with each other? The heart that pumps blood for your body? The two lungs that allow you to recycle the air you breathe? The stomach, how it digests the food you eat...and how the worthless parts of this food leaves your body? Yes, I suppose science made that possible. I suppose science created the universe. Sure.

Why is it so hard to accept that a great thinker, someone creative and with infinite care made all that you are and what you see possible? Someone that made sure that when something falls into your eye, you're eye is cleanses itself? Is it science that designed your eye? That lets you shut out the dark when you are ready to sleep.

Do you know what science is based on? - Observation of creation. But instead of giving the glory to GOD Almighty, science gets the credit... when it is impossible for science to be responsible for creation when all science can do is observe the creation.

You want to believe in theories. OK. Here is a theory. And here is the evidence supporting that theory.

An intelligent being purposely made you, the heavens and the earth. What's the evidence? - You and it are.

When you are in trouble, you cry out to this being. When you are angry, you curse this being. When you are resentful and blind, you ridicule others for acknowledging this being.

Tell me, man, how you made yourself. Tell me, man, how it is that you are born and it is that you die. Tell me. I want to know how -- since you are lord of yourself -- how you make yourself wake up in the mornings. I want to know how you made this thing call sleep possible. Tell me, how does your brain do all that it does and tell me why. Tell me, man, why a sperm and an egg conjoined can spring new life...why one comes from a male of you and why the other from the female of you. Tell me. I want to know.

But lastly, man, I want you to tell me what happens when you die. I want you to prove to me -- no theories, here -- give me undeniable evidence that death is the ultimate end of you. Show me beyond the shadow of a doubt that once the blood stops flowing, the heart stops beating and the lungs give out that you are over. I don't want guesses or theories. Tell me unequivocally.

I know you cannot. Yet because science tells you that because the body is dead that whatever made the body not just another corpse (after all, that is essentially what science says you are, right? -- just a corpse with no real essence to you) is dead, too. But no kind of science that man can think of can prove this to you. Although I know you will try as countless others have. You see, you would rather believe other kinds of fairy tales than consider that this other so-called fairytale -- creation and salvation -- is real.

But you take your chances. Stay steadfast in your willful casting off one very grave possibility backed up by so much existence, while embracing one that could not even be considered it if was for the aforementioned one.

And I suppose you can talk it over with the ONE who created you when you meet HIM face-to-face.