1 Peter 3:15 (NKJV)
Disclaimer: This blog is not about tearing down ignorant people who really don't know much about GOD. Instead this blog is designed to glorify GOD while tearing down the willfully ignorant ones who know well enough who the LORD IS, but spread lies and disinformation and twist the words of the Holy Bible to keep you - his beloved - from learning the very wonderful truth about salvation and GOD's love for you. Why would anyone want to hide something so good and precious from you? Keep reading, my friend, keep reading...
This Web site is designed to spread the wonderful truth about the Holy Bible. For far too long ignorant people have been trying to warp the wonderful truth the Holy Bible reveals to those who actually put an effort into understanding GOD's Holy Word. There are those who would like you to believe that GOD is not real - they are agents of the devil. They will show you controversial and challenging verses from the Holy Bible to 'prove' to you that GOD is an awful, wicked being who doesn't love you.
You should first ask yourself why someone who claims to not believe in GOD's existence can tell you about HIM. If someone is not real, how can they have any traits? Yet these people will say to you in one breath, "GOD does not exist." And in the next breath, "Let me tell you what kind of GOD He is."
Doesn't make much sense, does it?
That's because they know GOD is real and only want to suppress that wonderful truth. They are also counting on you never picking up a copy of the Holy Bible for yourself and actually reading it. If you did, their whole game would fall apart.
They will take passages from the Holy Bible which shows GOD's anger, jealously and judgment, but will neglect to share with you the myriad others that portray his love, righteousness and infinite wisdom. They show you one side - albeit rather ignorantly - and hide from you the other. Why not show the whole of the picture? - Because the whole picture proves that not only is GOD very real, but that HE is the only god and HE loves us immensely -- more than we can ever comprehend.
I won't hide from you anything. I will share with you, as we walk through the Holy Bible, the massacres, the bloody wars, the pillages and plunders, the enslavements and the host of other seemingly negative and confusing parts. But I will also share with you the redemptive, uplifting, creative and beautiful parts of the Holy Bible.
And don't worry, I won't be going on my words and interpretations alone. The Holy Bible usually explains itself rather well. If I use other resources, such as dictionaries or concordances, I will point it out.
You can also follow along with on-line Bibles (in various translations) available at BibleGateway.com, which also has the Holy Bible in audio. StudyLight.org provides dictionaries, concordances and other useful tools.
And don't worry, this is only an educational venture. It is not meant to 'convert' you, only to show what the Holy Bible reveals about it's primary author, GOD.
I will mostly be using the New Kings James Version (NKJV), but will occasionally turn to the Kings James Version (KJV), the New Living Translation (NLT) and/or the Jewish Publication Society's Tanakh.
- Theist @ http://goodbible.blogspot.com/
Labels: holy bible, purpose, welcome
LinKyo@theNet said...
well, this blog is 'insightful'.... somewhat you have kinda pull me up from the pit... *blah*
February 16, 2008 at 7:46 PM
LinKyo@theNet said...
I'm quite confused also about "why counting the number of Israelites is €wrong"
ABout the 'angel' I was thinking that: God opened the eyes of the one that he approved, so only the ones approved by God can see the angel. And I was thinking that 'he was in a human size' not a very HUGE one. (well, that's what's in my mind)
*and my mind just stopped working*
(here is a person who is in mind confussion typing down in somebody's blog)
February 16, 2008 at 8:28 PM