1 Peter 3:15 (NKJV)

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear...

Current events seem to have many people in a spin. If it's not about the imploding U.S. economy, it's about the constant loss of lives in Iraq and Afghanistan, or about some grave threat from one of America's 'enemies.'

People are losing their homes and there are supposedly tent cities sprouting up for those who have no real home; gas prices seem to be increasing, grocery prices, too; the bees in the U.S. are dying off, there are earthquakes, floods, snow storms -- many scary things seem to be happening in our world today. And many people find these things terrifying.

The Bible-thumpers are saying it is the sign of the times and that the end is near. That very well may be the case. But that isn't really my main concern...because, quite honestly, Bible-thumpers have been saying that for centuries. It always seems to be the end of the world.

One of the things that Christians can be quite sure about is that our LORD and Savior Jesus the Christ will return to the earth and claim His inheritance. The Holy Bible says He will separate the believers from those who have rejected him. The earth and heaven will pass away and a new heaven and new earth will come into being (Isaiah 65:16-18, Revelation 21:23). He will live and rule among the people (who have been cleansed) and we will worship Him openly and freely.

As a Christian, you take these as facts...the primary of which is that the LORD Jesus the Christ will return. In Matthew, Jesus explains this to His disciples:

Matthew 24:
29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

So Jesus describes the setting of His second coming. Then He tells the disciples something very important in verse 36 of the same chapter in Matthew: But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."

The Christ goes on to say:
42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.
43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into.
44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

Now I tell you this: If the LORD GOD Almighty's Son, Christ Jesus, said Himself that "of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven," THEN THAT IS A FACT.

Christ Jesus told His disciples in very plain terms that only the Father knows when the Son will be returning to earth. No one knows the day, hour, month, or year of Jesus the Christ's return to Earth. No one knows. Only the Father, GOD Almighty knows the exact day, hour and minute.

There is no one living on this earth today who can predict the "day or hour" of Christ Jesus' return. No man on earth has the wisdom, as it does not take wisdom, but divine revelation from GOD, since HE is the only ONE who knows. Is it possible that GOD may have revealed or will reveal the specific time to someone (or persons) walking among us today? -- Of course, but I find it very unlikely that the LORD would have this person advertising the precise day of Christ Jesus' return. Do you know why?

Consider these verses in the same book of Matthew 24:
45 “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season?
46 Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing.

If you everyone knew the exact day of Christ Jesus' return, then it would be quite likely that many would live a lax 'christian' life...with this foreknowledge that they have a time limit of sorts to repent.

The fact that GOD has not advertised the day of HIS Only Begotten Son's return is to inspire us to live a good, clean, holy and acceptable life before HIM always.

If you know that your boss could choose any old day of the week to give you an evaluation on your work, then you would probably make sure you always do good work. Likewise, if you know that your job evaluation is scheduled around the same time every year, you would probably decide on a good time to start "prepping" for a favorable evaluation. You want that raise, after all.

In like manner, live an acceptable life before the LORD always because you do not know the date of your evaluation, and you do want to sit with Him at the table when the banquet arrives, don't you?

As Jesus said, hold fast to what you have and let no man deceive you and keep you from inheriting eternal life. Don't think you can squeeze something in before Christ's appointed time. You may step away and never be able to return. GOD forgives, but HE does not forget and holds us all accountable for everything we do (unless HE chooses to blot it out).

If you are currently living in sin, it may be a good time to repent and turn towards GOD...while you can. Yes, you will suffer if you die or are "caught" living in your sin...or so it says in the Holy Bible.. Remember, GOD will show mercy to whom HE will show mercy, and have compassion on whom HE will have compassion.

If you are going to trust any man's words or calculations, trust the Most Divine Man ever come into this world - Jesus the Christ, the Living Son of GOD. If the LORD says no man, not even the angels of heaven, knows when He is returning, then believe Him for He does not lie. Don't be lead astray by the misguided and willfully ignorant, instead, to be sure, follow the Way, the Truth and the Light.

Brothers and sisters, "...hold fast what you have till I come. And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations..."

He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.”

Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

There is one thing (out of many) that behooves me about so-called Christians. It seems eternally and without fail that these Christians are always the first to sign up for the latest cult and join the latest heretical, blasphemous bandwagon. Why? Why would you, one who calls him/herself a Christian, seek after another Jesus?

I am speaking specifically of the folks who follow the Jim Joneses, the David Kureshes, the Jose Luis de Jesus Mirandas, etc. We are supposedly Christians -- who believe in Christ Jesus, the Holy Bible and GOD Almighty, yet we follow anti-christs.

But we aren't to be surprised, are we? Jesus the Christ himself told the disciples that so-called Christians would do exactly what we have been doing since he left the earth. He explained quite plainly that false prophets and christs would come after him and that, if possible, even the very elect would be fooled.

Why, when even GOD HIMSELF tells us these things, do we still allow ourselves to be fooled? What are we looking for? Why can't we wait patiently on the LORD?

As it is written in Matthew 24:
3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”
4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you.
5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.
6 ...See that you are not troubled;
23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it.
24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
25 See, I have told you beforehand.
26 “Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it.
27 For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
28 For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.

Lord Jesus says, "See, I am telling you before hand..." yet you will not listen (my own words). Don't you believe in your Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ? Can't you take him at his word? Look at all he has done for you...why would you doubt him now.

And how are we supposed to know when it is really Christ Jesus who has appeared? The answer to that, brothers and sisters, Jesus himself also provides.

In the verse above, Jesus the Christ compares his coming to lightning.

When there is thunder and lightning during a storm... it is not just a handful of people who hear and see it. Everyone in the neighborhood and in surrounding areas hears the thunder and sees the lightning. So my friends, you won't have to guess. And you know what else? It won't
just be the Christians who see and recognize Christ Jesus' coming -- everyone with eyes to see ears to hear will see the Lord coming with his angels.

It reads in Revelation 1:7 Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.

Read that again, dear brothers and sisters. EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM, EVEN THEY WHO PIERCED HIM. When the Lord Jesus the Christ comes to the earth a second time, IT WILL NOT BE A SECRET. IT WILL NOT BE SOMETHING THAT ONLY A FEW KNOW ABOUT. ALL -- EVERYONE -- WILL SEE AND KNOW WHEN CHRIST JESUS RETURNS.

Now the Spirit says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines or demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy...(Hebrews 4:1-2) But you, O man of GOD, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness... I urge you in the sight of GOD who gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus..., that you keep this commandment without spot, blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ's appearing, which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords... (1 Timothy 6:11-15).

The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen. (2 Timothy 4: 22)

Tell them who I am...

The Holy Bible says Jesus is the Son of GOD. The redeemer of the world. The true Prince of Peace, King of Kings and LORD of Lords. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

Jesus is the one who saves us, who makes life possible, who makes us whole and gives us comfort and true peace.

Jesus was no prophet. He is greater than any prophet. Jesus was not a messenger. He was not a regular guy who just figured out the meaning of life and wanted to share it with everyone.

Jesus was most definitely not a myth. A fable, some fairy tale character someone made up. You know it in your core that GOD Almighty is real...that is why you reject him. And why do you reject him? - Because the road is too narrow, the burden too light and the circle too unpopular.

Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior. He knows everything that awaits us at the end of the road. Some of it is quite unpleasant, so knowing this, he wants us to avoid those troubles.

Jesus is the only way to avoid those troubles. He is the Way, the Truth and the Light.

The Way because he is the only way to the Father in heaven. The Truth because there is none besides him. And the Light because he gives us understanding, clarity and makes all things known. Sometimes it says he is the Life, which means just that... in him there is life, where things blossom, grow and are nurtured in abundance.

Jesus was flesh, blood and bones. But Jesus was also divine, sacred and perfect. He was Immanuel. GOD saw fit that we should know what the true consequence of sin is and what the true gift of life is. GOD had sent the Law and given instructions to guide us, but that wasn't good enough. The Laws were too abstract for some of us and for others, simply just words...nothing taken to heart.

So, GOD had to come down to earth and be one of us and live among us and teach us. And even then, when he was right in our face, doing what no man had ever done before, many of us rejected him still. And so it has been since he left Mary's womb.

You say you cannot believe in the possibility of immaculate conception. Yet you can believe in gravity...because scientists tell you it is so. Has science been able to tell you why our bodies are fashioned as they are? Has science been able to tell you why and how we actually reproduce little copies of ourselves? How could you possibly take the word of science when science did not make it so?

Did science form the clouds? Does science make it rain and snow and hail? Is it science that made land mass around the bodies of water?

Is it science that conducts cycles of nature -- that birds have their eggs and make sure to feed the young ones when they hatch? Is it science that makes the lioness kill for her young?

Is it science that wakes you up in the morning?

Is it science that is responsible for these natural herbs and vegetation that feeds us and sustains us? Is it science that gave us water -- the source of life? Is it science that gives you oxygen here and another type of gas in the universe?

Is it science that made the heavens so wonderful to look at? Is it science that put those planets on that path with the sun -- the source of light and life -- as their focal point...as their way?

Can science tell you why there are only those number of planets? Can science tell you why there is only one sun? Can science number the stars? Can science explain why stars die and why they are reborn?

Can science tell you why blood courses through your veins? Can science tell you why you have veins and these cells?

Science can't tell you any of these things. Science can only observe and describe what they observe. Science can not tell you why it is and why you are.

But yet you trust in science. You have made science your GOD. Why? What is it scientists are telling you that did not exist before they were even born, and that will still be when they die, when their bodies decompose and turns back into earth? Do you think science created you and all that is around you? Science cannot even tell you how mankind came to be. Science can't even tell you how this earth, the universe, the heavens came to be.

But they have, you say. No, they haven't. They have made very many guesses. But they are all 'theories,' aren't they? The Big Bang theory. The theory of Evolution. Science will never be able to tell you why and how you are and why what you see around you is. Never. These guesses will remain theories. And isn't that a big leap of faith, my friends? -- That you readily accept the Big Bang theory? You can believe that the beginning of all of this perfection (the order of your bodies, nature and life) is chaos... a random happening. Does the intricacy of your body look random to you? The hair that grows on your head and body? The two eyes that transmit sight? The tongue that allows you to take pleasure in what you eat, and allows you to communicate with each other? The heart that pumps blood for your body? The two lungs that allow you to recycle the air you breathe? The stomach, how it digests the food you eat...and how the worthless parts of this food leaves your body? Yes, I suppose science made that possible. I suppose science created the universe. Sure.

Why is it so hard to accept that a great thinker, someone creative and with infinite care made all that you are and what you see possible? Someone that made sure that when something falls into your eye, you're eye is cleanses itself? Is it science that designed your eye? That lets you shut out the dark when you are ready to sleep.

Do you know what science is based on? - Observation of creation. But instead of giving the glory to GOD Almighty, science gets the credit... when it is impossible for science to be responsible for creation when all science can do is observe the creation.

You want to believe in theories. OK. Here is a theory. And here is the evidence supporting that theory.

An intelligent being purposely made you, the heavens and the earth. What's the evidence? - You and it are.

When you are in trouble, you cry out to this being. When you are angry, you curse this being. When you are resentful and blind, you ridicule others for acknowledging this being.

Tell me, man, how you made yourself. Tell me, man, how it is that you are born and it is that you die. Tell me. I want to know how -- since you are lord of yourself -- how you make yourself wake up in the mornings. I want to know how you made this thing call sleep possible. Tell me, how does your brain do all that it does and tell me why. Tell me, man, why a sperm and an egg conjoined can spring new life...why one comes from a male of you and why the other from the female of you. Tell me. I want to know.

But lastly, man, I want you to tell me what happens when you die. I want you to prove to me -- no theories, here -- give me undeniable evidence that death is the ultimate end of you. Show me beyond the shadow of a doubt that once the blood stops flowing, the heart stops beating and the lungs give out that you are over. I don't want guesses or theories. Tell me unequivocally.

I know you cannot. Yet because science tells you that because the body is dead that whatever made the body not just another corpse (after all, that is essentially what science says you are, right? -- just a corpse with no real essence to you) is dead, too. But no kind of science that man can think of can prove this to you. Although I know you will try as countless others have. You see, you would rather believe other kinds of fairy tales than consider that this other so-called fairytale -- creation and salvation -- is real.

But you take your chances. Stay steadfast in your willful casting off one very grave possibility backed up by so much existence, while embracing one that could not even be considered it if was for the aforementioned one.

And I suppose you can talk it over with the ONE who created you when you meet HIM face-to-face.

Are You In Church Praising & Worshiping GOD Out Of Fear Or Love?

It may seem like an odd question. I mean, who goes to church unwillingly or out of fear of punishment from GOD? That's crazy. Right?

You and I both know that is the case with some folks. I remember as a kid, I would actually pretend I was dead so I wouldn't have to get up Sunday mornings and go to church (sad, I know). Eventually, I would roll out of bed, though, and head off to church with the family. Back then, I wasn't going to GOD'S house for myself...I was basically going because my parents said I had to. So I'm not too sure if I was in church clapping and signing because I really wanted to or because I believed I had to.

Things changed, however. I grew up and stumbled along the way, but eventually began a real walk with Christ Jesus. So do I love going to church now? -- Not always. But when I go, I try to make sure it's because I want to go. I really don't think GOD Almighty is going to condemn me for skipping when I am sick, tired or just not in the mood to go to Sunday service. I must admit, however, that sometimes I do feel a slight pang of guilt when I have no real reason to not go. After all, look at all GOD Almighty has done for me. Would it kill me to show my gratitude by going to fellowship at HIS tabernacle? But I always try to remember, it's meaningless to GOD if you do something while grumbling... or with the wrong motivation behind it.

And when I'm in church, I usually enjoy myself. I sing along in praise and I try to understand how the pastor's sermon can apply to my life and spiritual journey. I know that by my going to church doesn't 'do' anything for GOD really. Fellowship is more about the individuals getting together for edification. I know when I leave Sunday service, I leave with a full heart and a renewed spirit. Being around like-minded people who share the same love you do for GOD can do that to you...especially when you feel like an outcast in the world around you.

So back to the question of fear or love... I know for a fact that some folks think (mostly young people I know or used to know) going to church every Sunday is all you need to do to get into heaven. I know some folks who believe that simply going to church makes them somehow 'better' than the heathen that do not. And I wouldn't be surprised if there are some adults who tell their kids they won't get to heaven if they don't go to Sunday school. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

First off, Lucifer himself can walk into church... with a Bible under his arm and even go sit in the first pew. A church is just a building, my friends. It's the folks in the building that gives the place meaning. Don't let those Hollywood movies fool you... no statues and holy water can keep him out of a place he wants to be -- unless GOD Almighty forbids him.

Consider Job 1 (NKJV):
6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them.
7 And the LORD said to Satan, “From where do you come?” So Satan answered the LORD and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.”
8 Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”
9 So Satan answered the LORD and said, “Does Job fear God for nothing?
10 Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.
11 But now, stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face!”
12 And the LORD said to Satan, “Behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on his person.” So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD.

Now, if GOD Almighty still gives Satan an audience when it pleases HIM and would even give him permission to raise his hand against one of HIS own servants... why do you think a simple church would be off bounds to the devil? If he can approach the presence of GOD, he can surely walk into a church filled with mere humans. And let's not forget how satan tempted Jesus the Christ after his baptism.

So simply attending church on a regular basis does nothing for your personal salvation. Satan can do that, too.

And it's not like you really need to go to a traditional church and go through some traditional 'routine' to really worship before the LORD. As Jesus the Christ said in Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

You see church is not about a physical location... it's a shared state of mind amongst a body of people.

As for going to church because you think GOD might strike you dead if you don't...if you really believe that then you don't know much about GOD. There's a difference between walking around on pins and needles because of someone and having reverence for someone.

Growing up, most of us respected our parents and conducted ourselves with them in mind. We knew our parents weren't going to murder us because we disobeyed them or broke one of their rules, but we did know that they would be disappointed. And why wouldn't they literally kill us? -- Because they loved us and simply wanted the best for us.

What's the first and greatest commandment given to Moses? Deuteronomy 10:
12 “And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul,
13 and to keep the commandments of the LORD and His statutes which I command you today for your good?

And, yes, the 'fear' above is about respect and reverence...not about being afraid.

As it is written in Hebrews 12:28 "...let us have grace, by which we may serve GOD acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our GOD is a consuming fire."

And what did Jesus the Christ have to say about this?
Matthew 22:
36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
37 Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’
38 This is the first and great commandment.

If you find yourself in church clapping your hands and singing those praise songs because you think that you have to and that someone is watching you, you're partly right -- GOD is watching you...and probably wondering what the heck you're doing.

Don't think that our Creator the LORD GOD Almighty wants to drag anyone kicking and screaming into heaven. You cannot be saved against your will. You have to willfully and joyfully accept the invitation extended to you. This GOD does not want spineless, frightened children following him blindly. HE wants courageous, spirit-filled warriors who love blindly among HIS flock.

This purpose of this page is to address the common misconceptions and questions many seem to have when it comes to the Holy Bible, Jesus the Christ and/or GOD Almighty. These are just the ones I can think of. If you've got a question or issue that's not addressed here, PLEASE ASK AWAY! And remember, I am not some sort of expert on the Holy Bible. If I falter, please correct me.

I used to work with a young lady who didn't even know that Jesus was actually a real person, and not some mythical creature a bunch of crazy Christians made up (Wiki and PBS). No one disputes that Jesus the man lived on earth - the Holy Bible tells you so, of course, but so do the history books the rest of the world relies on. Other faiths even acknowledge him. So, there is no question that Jesus actually was born into the world and walked it like you and me. The only issue is his divinity - his claim to be the Son of GOD - there's a long line of those who dispute that!

Another common question - why do you call him Jesus Christ? Is Christ his last name, or something? No. As far as antiquity shows, folks didn't really have last names like you and I yet. They often cited their parents or home town to distinguish which Simon or which John they were, for example. As for Jesus, he is called 'Christ' or 'the Christ' because Christians believe he is the Savior (the Messiah, the Anointed One)...which is the definition of christ. It should be Jesus the Christ, but who has time to say all that? So, just saying Jesus Christ has caught on. Although you won't people saying Jesus Messiah or Jesus Anointed One or Jesus Savior... I guess Jesus Christ rolls off the tongue easier...and some just say Christ Jesus.

In the Great Flood story, did Noah actually go out on some kind of safari and capture all of these pairs of animals GOD commanded him to house in the ark? Um, no. Be serious. It would have been much easier for GOD to instruct the animals to got to Noah instead. Does that seem ridiculous? This thing called nature - what is it that makes birds come back to the nest to feed their young? Why do penguins follow that peculiar route every time every year? What is it? Nature? What is nature? Unless you believe creation (you, me, the heavens, the animals, our intricate bodies) is all chance, it's obviously GOD who gets the credit for orchestrating 'nature'. But hey, that's my interpretation.
Job 38:
4“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.
5Who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it?
22“Have you entered the treasury of snow, Or have you seen the treasury of hail,
23Which I have reserved for the time of trouble, For the day of battle and war?
24By what way is light diffused, Or the east wind scattered over the earth?
25“Who has divided a channel for the overflowing water, Or a path for the thunderbolt,
26To cause it to rain on a land where there is no one, A wilderness in which there is no man;
27To satisfy the desolate waste, And cause to spring forth the growth of tender grass?
39“Can you hunt the prey for the lion, Or satisfy the appetite of the young lions,
40When they crouch in their dens, Or lurk in their lairs to lie in wait?
41Who provides food for the raven, When its young ones cry to God, And wander about for lack of food?

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This blog post came to my attention recently and I figured I might as well share it and my comment here.

An excerpt:
I have to say- I can’t believe anyone would just CHOOSE that. I can’t believe that Stella simply woke up one day and said, “you know, I think I’ll be a lesbian now.” I’m not saying that somewhere in her brain there wasn’t a switch that got turned at some point. She had some bad experiences, she didn’t want to go through what her mom went through. I just don’t think that it was a choice. I don’t think any sane person would look at a life of acceptance and a life of awkward conversations and say, “my life is too easy. Let’s mix this up.”

Stella, at least, had to have really believed that was who she was meant to be.

She still believes in God, the last I heard. She just has a lot of questions. It’s just too bad that there aren’t very many churches where they’d let her in long enough to ask them.

Now, the author of the blog post excerpted above is not my focus, for she makes a very good point. Most so-called Christians would rather outright condemn you and kick you out of church before actually sitting down and listening to someone's questions and concerns. We are supposed to treat people with love and compassion. Keywords, supposed to...

My issue is with this most ignorant commentator named John (could be a fake name) who had this to say:

john replied:

let me be clear. scripture has never said homosexuality was a sin. its only man who says scripture says it. and i challenge anyone to show me where the words in the verses of the bible say so.

i have never understood why all the concern about whether choice or innate. surely the only thing that is important in any intimate relationship is that there is a mutual commitment to be affirming and trustworthy and loving to each other.

This is really why I encourage everyone to pick up the Holy Bible and set some time aside and start really, really reading it. You don't have to read it straight from Genesis to Revelations, but you should read it. If John had but done that, he wouldn't have made such an erroneous statement...which is also misleading, because it's possible John heard that bit of misinformation from someone else who either lied or didn't bother to read GOD's Holy Word. So someone like John will take his mis-statement as fact and roll with it.

Read your Holy Bible, people.

Anyway, the error in John's statement: "scripture has never said homosexuality was a sin. its only man who says scripture says it."

Here is my reaction:

It says explicitly in more than one place — both Old Testament and New Testamnet — that it is sin for man to lay with man and for woman to lay with woman. Because the term ‘homosexual’ doesn’t appear in the Holy Text it doesn’t mean that that is not what’s being addressed.

And no, GOD doesn't hate 'fags' as some wicked people love to hatefully insist.

Take a look at the verses and consider them carefully. You need only to accept them or reject them.

The Holy Bible even addresses bestiality…and no, I’m not trying to link the two. The Holy Bible comments on everything dealing with sexual morality and sexual immorality, is my point.


Leviticus 18:20-24 (New King James Version) -
22)You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.
23)Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.
24)‘Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you.

And this same statute is mentioned again in Leviticus 20:13-17 (New King James Version).


Romans 1(New King James Version)-
24)Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,
25)who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
26)For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
27)Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
28)And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
29)being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,
30)backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31)undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful;
32)who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

And I must say, you cannot pick and choose which part of GOD’s commands and statutes you’re going to follow. You’re either all in or you’re out. Yes, Jesus the Christ was all about love, but he was very serious about abiding by GOD Almighty’s laws (as you see when you read his interactions with the Pharisees and Sadducees).

If it was easy, everyone would be saved…so be quite careful of those calling themselves Christians.

Nothing is impossible for GOD. If you want to change, HE can change you. Are people born gay? - Unlikely. And I say all of this as one who has dealt personally with homosexuality. Are homosexuals some sort of ‘mistake’? Of course not. But they are sinners…as everyone is a sinner. And GOD cannot stand sin (it says that too, in the Holy Bible). Homosexuality is sexually immoral (sinful)…as is fornication, adultery, incest, bestiality, rape, etc.

And again, you either accept it or reject… it’s a bit too late to re-write the Holy Bible...though some people are trying very, very hard. There are answers to issues in the Holy Bible not explicitly answered, but this is definitely not one of those cases.

And here is a reaction from a man named Brian J Walsh (I think). I include it because he says it a lot gentler than I do:

You know, many people make bad choices for a lot of good reasons and good choices for a lot of bad reasons. I think your post really hit on that tension. Even if homosexuality is a bad choice (i.e. sinful) there can still be many good reasons behind it, like loving and caring for another human being. Separating those difficult tensions is a nearly impossible task and may only be worthy for an omniscient judge… like God. Point is, churches can’t play that role, they can’t be the omniscient judge (because they aren’t God) but they can and should point people towards God.

The other thing people often forget is that the path to God is NEVER fun, gentle, or easy. Everyone knows intuitively that becoming a better is hard, and if God wanted to make us into a MUCH better person, it follows that the process bight be incrementally much harder. No pain no gain, right? So maybe life isn’t all about the nicest, happiest, most pleasing choice, but about the best choice even when it is the hardest.

The owner of a wordpress blog that I stumbled upon poses that question, 'Does GOD Love Everybody?', and supposes to answer it by focusing on the early history of the Israeli people. He begins by examining the stories of the Hebrews once they had been freed from slavery and attempted to claim the land GOD had promised them. He questions the murders committed by the Hebrews against those around them. I don't dare try to defend or explain that, it is GOD's business after all. And I have yet to know a world without wars and conflict. I have yet to know a world without people who vehemently despise and hate GOD, who could care less if HE exists or not. Do such people deserve to die? I would never utter such words as I myself could face similar judgement. But if GOD rejects you, then that is it. Who are we to question HIM. But if HE has chosen you and you then reject him...good luck (though I'm not saying all will be lost).

But back to the question - does GOD love everybody?

Where in the Holy Bible does it say GOD loves everybody? Where does it say GOD loves unconditionally? Because it says 'FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD?' are we to suppose that means everyone and everything walking upon it? You ever consider that it means, GOD loves HIS creation, so HE threw them a rope? Remember, the rest of it says, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM (JESUS) SHOULD HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. GOD's love is deep and unending, sure. But it is not unconditional.

GOD loves HIS creation, but many of us could care less about HIM. It says quite plainly in the HOLY BIBLE, GOD will reject those who reject HIM. Are we to suppose that Lucifer (aka Satan) is loved by GOD? Don't be foolish.

Before I give you my response to the blogger's post, here is a verse for you to ponder. It's in the Holy Bible found in Malachi 1 (NKJV):
2 “I have loved you,” says the LORD. “ Yet you say, ‘In what way have You loved us?' Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?” Says the LORD. “Yet Jacob I have loved;
3 But Esau I have hated
, And laid waste his mountains and his heritage For the jackals of the wilderness.” (If you want to know why GOD hated Esau, read Genesis).

Anyway, here is my response to that particular blogger's question. And I am not posting a link to his Web site because I do not promote ignorance of GOD and HIS Holy Word. You can find those lies pretty easily by yourself.

My friend. You are totally free to believe what you believe, just make sure you’re not embracing lies.

GOD does love the world… that is HIS creation. But that doesn’t mean it is unconditional. Show me in the Holy Bible where it says GOD loves unconditionally.

Have you not read that HE will reject those who reject HIM? As it says in Matthew 7 (NKJV):
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’
23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

And how about Matthew 10 (NKJV):
32 “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.
33 But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.

And take note of what else Jesus the Christ said about our Father's love for us in John 16:26-28 (NKJV):
26 In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you;
27 for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from God.
28 I came forth from the Father and have come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go to the Father.”

Please take special note of that, as it is the conditional promise in John 3:16 that everyone seems to forget about. GOD loves us and will save us IF we believe that HIS unique son Jesus is the Christ HE sent into the world to give us eternal life. You have to believe to receive, my friends. You can't hang around GOD forever if you secretly hate HIM and if you hate HIM, you reject HIM and if you reject HIM, you reject HIS son Jesus the Christ.

Numbers 14 (NKJV):
26 And the LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,
27 “How long shall I bear with this evil congregation who complain against Me? I have heard the complaints which the children of Israel make against Me.
28 Say to them, ‘As I live,’ says the LORD, ‘just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will do to you:
29 The carcasses of you who have complained against Me shall fall in this wilderness, all of you who were numbered, according to your entire number, from twenty years old and above.

Many of us know full well about HIM, but for our own particular reasons, we reject HIM. Does that mean HE now hates us? I don’t think so, my friends. And I am sure we are still welcomed at HIS table. But we have known HIM and have turned our backs to HIM. So perhaps HE has now turned HIS back to us (or covers HIS ears when we attempt to speak to HIM, or closes HIS eyes to us)… that doesn’t mean HE has forgotten about us, as we have surely not completely wiped HIM from our own minds.

GOD loved David, but punished him for his sins. GOD loved Moses and even took his body so that Satan could not gain possession of it (read Jude 1, specifically verse 9). But GOD would not allow Moses to see the promised land…the same Moses HE chose to lead the Hebrews from captivity and had wandering around the desert for decades… GOD forbade him from stepping onto the land (HE let him see it from afar, however), because Moses himself had disappointed GOD. Read it in Deut. 32:48.

GOD IS LOVE. GOD loves you. GOD love me. GOD loves the sinner, but hates the sin. GOD doesn't just love Christians alone. How could that be if none of us are born Christians? We were all born sinners. Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Just remember, the gift doesn't sit on the table forever...you must grasp it while you can.

Ephesians 2 (NKJV):
4 But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us,
5 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ
(by grace you have been saved)...

But GOD will not be mocked or made common. HE will rebuke those and punish and discipline those whom HE loves. No Christian expects that all will be well in their life… that them or their loved ones will not see death, oppression or illness. That is the world. If a so-called Christian believes that life will be made perfect for them and that all the pieces will fall into place once they turn their life over to Jesus the Christ, then they are still very much in darkness. Jesus did not die upon the cross and conquer death so that we could be healthy and wealthy all our days upon the earth… it was so we can have salvation…a perfect life after death.

Get it out of your head that GOD is some kind of puppet or statue in a church confined by walls or your wishes or will or actions. GOD is bound by no man or anything at all. HE will not bend for you. You must bend for HIM. If you are unwilling to do that, then I suppose you are lost. There is no compromise. HIS Way or the very broad high way that leads only to one place...eternal damnation.

And do yourself a favor the next time someone dares tell you that GOD loves unconditionally - ask them about Jacob and Esau.

I leave you with some words from 2 Peter 3:
1 Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder),
2 that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior,
3 knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts,
4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”
5 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water,
6 by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water.
7 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

-Theist @ http://goodbible.blogspot.com

I was reviewing the Book of Genesis recently and some new questions popped up as I was reading certain passages.

Specifically, I questioned the true value of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, the Tree of Knowledge of Eternal Life, what sin is, and how the devil (it is the devil, right?) used the snake aka serpent to tempt Eve (formally known as Woman).

Since we partook of the Tree of Knowledge does that mean that we are like divine beings? And if we had partook of the Tree of Life would we be able to live forever? And why did GOD, the Most High, even create these two very special Trees if they were not for man? GOD and HIS angels (and whomever else there were) didn't need these two Trees, did they? So who were they for?

Keep reading...

I guess this is the part where we should look at the text...

KEY: (words like this are my own); the asterisks*** mean you should take special note; this [!huh!] means I don't get it; this [wow] means I'm amazed.

You're going to have to read along either online or with your own Holy Bible (I'm using NIV).

Gen. 2:
15The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden*** to work it and take care of it.
16 And the LORD God commanded the man***, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;
17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die***."

Gen. 3:
1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made***. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"
2 The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,
3 but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.' "
4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman.
5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil***."
6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked***; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

GOD soon shows up in the Garden of Eden looking for the man (Adam), and calls out for him when he doesn't see him. Adam then tells him he's hiding because he's naked. GOD wants to know who he knows he's naked. ...The circle of blame is rather interesting.

12The man said, "The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."
13Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate."

Adam blames Eve. Eve blames the serpent. GOD punishes the serpent and puts division (hostility/enmity) between serpent-kind and humankind. GOD then punishes the woman. GOD then punishes the man. GOD kicks Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden. We don't know where the serpent goes...

GOD didn't say 'I'm going to kill you if you eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.' My guess is that GOD knew once man could discern from good and bad, that he would be conscious that his actions were either good and bad, then he would be held accountable for those actions. If here were to consciously choose to do something bad, he would be sinning...and the punishment for sin is death.

Look at passage from the Holy Bible where GOD explains who will and who will not see the 'promise land' based on their behavior and reverence for HIM... Deut. 1:
9 And the little ones that you said would be taken captive, your children who do not yet know good from bad—they will enter the land. I will give it to them and they will take possession of it.

Your children who do not yet know good from bad... that's an interesting phrase, isn't it? We all know that babies aren't born into the world knowing their left from their right, nor good from bad. They learn along the way. And we all know that once this knowledge is acquire, that despite discerning a good action from a bad action, some children (who eventually become adults) consciously, willfully choose to do bad. And we don't punish babies when they pee on us while we're doing a diaper change... they don't know any better. The 4-year-old you're helping on the potty who does that, however...

So it was with Adam and Eve - GOD made them innocent, not knowing their left from their right, so to speak. So HE would not hold them accountable for their actions, unless they willfully disobeyed HIM...Like if HE were to tell them that something they have done should not be done and they do it anyway.

Eating from the Tree of Knowledge destroyed that innocence - they now knew full well that either choosing left or right would either result in a good or bad thing.

They could choose to do good or bad and we humans often delight in doing bad. As in Gen. 6:5 The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.

We read in Gen. 2:15-17 that GOD made the man first and put him in the Garden of Eden, and told him not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

We also learn after this that GOD made the man a companion, a woman. We don't read when GOD told the woman the same thing about the Tree of Knowledge. It is implied, however, that either GOD and/or Adam told her this. But for some reason she thought the serpent had the authority to know what's what. Now, at no point is it written in Genesis that the serpent told Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. The serpent only gave her contradictory information, he lied and told her GOD was lying about her dying if she eats its fruit. He said GOD lied about the fruit because HE knows those who eat of it can become like HIM.

For the love of me I don't know why Eve didn't ask the serpent how he knew all this or if he had eaten any of the Tree of Knowledge's fruit himself. Eve must have been kinda dumb (gullible, to be nice), like Adam (who didn't recognize that this fruit looked different from the others)...innocent, right?

So, the devil (yes, the serpent was his chosen vessel) essentially tells her 'You can be like GOD'. Ironic, that's what got Lucifer expelled from heaven -- his vain desire to replace GOD ALMIGHTY HIMSELF. Eve, fully aware that her Father, the CREATOR, already told her not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, chooses to follow her desire to be like GOD and eats of the Tree. Why else would she eat of the Tree if the only information she knew about it was that eating the fruit would make her like GOD? Satan didn't tell her it was nutritious and delicious or would make her beautiful or anything. The singular incentive was to be like GOD. Eve wanted to be like GOD... that's a big no-no. Perhaps that's why it seems she was held more accountable than Adam.

GOD cannot stand sin, so HE evicted Adam and Eve from Eden. Eve and Adam destroyed their chance of living in paradise with GOD. Imagine that, from paradise to hard manual labor. Adam lived 930 years (as did Eve, too... I guess).

And since HE had seen the desire of Eve's heart, GOD gave the Tree of Life special protection... else they might be convinced that they too should live forever...one Lucifer is enough. But what of Lucifer's power, you say. Lucifer has no power - only what GOD gives him. He cannot raise from the dead, make the cripple walk, turn water into wine -- Lucifer has no power. But, we'll save that for another blog post.

My question is, if Adam was made first and had been hanging out in Eden for much longer than Eve, shouldn't he have known what the Tree of Knowledge's fruit look like? Shouldn't Adam, therefore, have been held more accountable? I suppose this goes back to why Eve chose to eat of the Tree of Knowledge when she only knew one thing about it - that it would make her like GOD (according to the devil).

But the eating from the Tree of Knowledge did give Adam and Eve a divine quality. Does that mean GOD lied? Nope. HE said if they ate from the Tree of Knowledge that they would die. HE just didn't go into details as to what HE meant. GOD and those with HIM (the hosts of heaven) are incorruptible. HE made man from the earth...a corruptible being. So what is GOD? - The ETERNAL SPIRIT.

Why does knowing that he's naked make Adam ashamed? How did he know that he should be covered? Are we to assume that the LORD appeared to him clothed? Adam must have seen GOD since it was just the two of them (besides the host of heaven and the other creations on earth) It says in the Holy Bible in Gen. 3:8, Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. A being can't walk unless he or she has legs, right? I suppose the LORD was walking around clothed when HE chose to appear this way (as he does in other parts of the Holy Bible).

As for the nudity question, I guess Adam and Eve were made to desire each other. You can't really be fruitful and multiply unless you want to start that process. So that goes to say that the fruit of their desire was pleasurable. We humans don't usually choose to do things we don't enjoy.

Why should I obey GOD or care what HE wants from me? GOD created us for HIS pleasure, not for our own - we didn't exist. Life was a gift and HE gave us dominion over the earth (another undeserved gift we totally destroyed). You respect, love and appreciate your parents, don't you? You're glad they didn't decide to abort you or even decided to procreate, else you wouldn't be around. So you hold them in reverence. Why can't you do the same for GOD, who made life possible?

You should obey GOD. If HE tells you to not do something, you should probably not do it. Most assuredly, if HE has attached a consequence to this thing you're not supposed to do, HE will carry out HIS word and punish you. Usually when HE tells you to abstain from something, it's usually for your own good and to save you trouble and sorrow.

Don't give into temptation when you know that you definitely should not. Yes we are weak and make mistakes (definition of human), but don't be willfully disobedient.

And don't trust the devil. He's a liar and his only aim is to keep you from having a real relationship with your GOD ALMIGHTY.

-Theist @ http://goodbible.blogspot.com

This is a post from my other blog, The Bible Means. It's a very relevant post, so I figured I would share it on here, too.

I was re-reading through the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) recently and realized something for the first time when I came across the verses of St. John 8 (KJV):

2 Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them.
3 Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst,
4 they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act.
5 Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?”
6 This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear.

Because of years of listening to sloppy preaching and biased theories, I had always assumed that this unnamed woman caught in adultery was Mary Magdalene, one of Jesus' top (female) disciples.

I had also always been taught that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute...and had heard many teachings that this woman caught in adultery was actually a prostitute. Confusing? It should be, because most of it is a lie.

To get to the truth of it -- using the Holy Bible alone, as it is the only true Word of GOD that we have today -- I examined several key verses. It didn't take much time at all to discover the truth.

First off, Mary Magdalene is first mentioned in Matthew 27:56 "among whom were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee’s sons"... which describes the disciples who were watching Jesus' crucifixion. So, this is Mary Magdalene's introduction -- a dedicated, loving disciple of the Christ.

We learn a little about M. M.'s history in Mark 16: 19 "Now when He rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons." Two important things are revealed here. One, we learn that Jesus and M.M. met when the Messiah freed her from demonic possession. Lastly, the fact that M.M. was the first disciple to see the resurrected Jesus says a lot. Not even Jesus' mother Mary got to see him first... he appeared to one of his disciples...whom I can only infer from this text was a very important person to him. No, I'm not going the 'Da Vinci' code route by insinuating that there was some unrighteous intimate relationship between this disciple and the Son of GOD. I'm simply saying, just as Jesus favored Peter to help lead/create the Church, he may have first appeared in his resurrected state to M.M. for a reason.

So, to summarize where we are right now, Mary Magdalene had previously been possessed by demons; watched Jesus' crucifixion; and was the first to see him after his resurrection. No where has there been any indication that she was a prostitute or adulterer.

Before we continue, there is one more thing that I should mention. Mary was apparently from the town of Magdala, which is why she was called a Magdalene. However, there is some evidence that shows that even the name of the town was translated incorrectly. The Jewish Talmud (the books covering the law, etc. in the Old Testament) and other historical references indicate that the town was mostly likely called "Migdal" or "Magadan" (Greek manuscripts). Despite all of that, the town's name was ascribed to Mary just to let others know which Mary this was...since Mary was an extremely popular name during that time. As a matter of fact, it notes in the concordance of my Bible that there were seven persons named Mary in the New Testament, and it describes M.M. as 'A Galilean follower of Jesus.'

I would also like to note that the term 'prostitute' doesn't appear anywhere in the Holy Bible (KJV) except for in Lev. 19:29. 'Harlot' however is mentioned plenty of times, but nowhere in the Gospels do any of its usages make reference to or speak of M.M. or anyone in particular for that matter. It's simply mentioned as one would talk about a group of people, such as saying 'publicans' or 'tax collectors', you'd say 'harlots.'

Finally, this 'woman caught in adultery' was never given a name, nor do we know her town of origin. Jesus simply refused to condemn her and told her to sin no more. No mention of demons, Magdala, Mary or the like. This was just one of the many people in the Gospels that Jesus used to glorify His Father GOD.

So who was Mary of Magdala? -- She was a devout disciple of Jesus who helped support his ministry financially and I'm sure she did her part in helping to spread the Truth. She wasn't an adulterer. She wasn't a prostitute. She had been demon possessed before meeting Jesus, was healed, and took up her cross and followed him.

Where did this awful slander come from? Why would anyone want to purport such a lie and misconception? Is it just carelessness/ laziness that people continue to believe such a false teaching of Mary Magdalene? I don't know the answers to these questions, but considering Christian history, specifically in terms of the Catholic Church, I don't find it unlikely that these men who made the decisions of what books would enter the Bible, conducted the demonic Inquisitions, etc., would have an interest in discounting one of Jesus' top disciples -- a woman. After all, what were the other twelve's sin? Are we to believe that Peter, Thomas, Matthew, etc. were all blemish-free before Jesus? I think not.

And I guess I should note that I'm not so passionate about rectifying the image of M.M. because I think former prostitutes are deplorable creatures. Quite the contrary, because we are all sinners, and as far as I've read in the Bible, GOD is no respecter of persons when it comes to judging sinners. Sin is sin, and can all be forgiven...except for sins against the Holy Spirit of course.

This is a little off form (already! I know), but I came across this blog called Let's Ask The Bible. It's a really well-meaning blog and I think it can do some good in the goal of exposing the truth about the Holy Bible to those who are looking for it.

Anyway, without judging the dude who owns the blog, I needed to challenge him in his response/explanation for why GOD is supposedly not a Trinity. Oh, and please visit his blog and 'challenge' him... he will appreciate it because he will learn some wonderful things, too (I know that's how it works with me!).

First off, let's define Trinity (as any dictionary will tell you):

# three: the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one
# the union of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost in one Godhead
# trio: three people considered as a unit

How interesting... 'the sum of one and one and one'; 'three people considered as a unit'...

OK, so you know where I'm going with this, but why not do yourself a favor AND NOT JUST TAKE MY WORD on it, and look at the verses from the Holy Bible that support this concept - and yes, it is a concept!

But you will actually have to pick up a Holy Bible or use an e-version in some cases to follow along (don't be lazy; TRUTH doesn't fall into your lap!)

In verses like Gen 1:26 and Gen 3:22, who do you suppose GOD is talking to? You can easily look up the verses yourself, but GOD basically uses the phrases 'like one of us' and 'let us make'... This is of course right around creation. HE says, "Let us make man in our image..." Who could he possibly be talking to? Shall we assume that HE's talking to HIS angels? I don't believe I've ever seen in the Holy Bible that angels have power like GOD (they get their power from GOD, I know that). I'd like to know your thoughts on this.

Gen 1:26:
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Gen 3:22: Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”...

Also, we know that in verses all over the Holy Bible, especially the New Testament, that Jesus refers to himself as the SON OF GOD and others refer to him as such. There is only ONE SON OF GOD. And Jesus often said that he and the Father are ONE, that when you look at Jesus, you look at the Father. And remember, we call him Immanuel (which means 'GOD with us').

Isaiah 10:14: ...14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.

Finally, we all know that GOD is Spirit and must be worshiped in spirit, as HE says HIMSELF in the Holy Bible. And there are many references to this: Holy Spirit, Spirit of GOD, Spirit of the Holy GOD, etc.

John 4:24: ...God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

So these are three distinctive persons -- holy persons and wholly unique. There is no one like them anywhere. But what do they have in common?


GOD, the Father, GOD the Son (Christ Jesus) and GOD the Holy Spirit. So therefore, GOD is ONE, yet three very distinctive personalities.

So was Jesus praying to himself when he said 'Father'?

Or was GOD talking about HIMSELF when he said 'This is my beloved Son...'?

And was Jesus saying he would send himself when he told the disciples that he would send 'the Comforter, the Holy Spirit'?

Yes and no.

There is one godhead. But it is comprised of three people. You could say GOD 'spread' HIMSELF among two other people.

No one ever said the trinity concept meant that there were three GODs... it only means that GOD has placed Jesus the Christ beside HIM and 'operates' in the Holy Spirit.

And yes, it is a concept... no need to believe it for your salvation to remain intact (though it would be difficult, I think). However, you cannot deny that Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit are both uniquely of GOD. GOD was first; HE then sent Jesus; and Jesus then sent the Great Comforter, the Holy Spirit (but the Spirit of GOD has always been...and to make it even more confusing, Jesus said he has always been, since before the beginning).

And don't you find it strange that GOD and both Jesus the Christ call themselves the Alpha and the Omega (in Isaiah 48:12, GOD says, “Listen to Me, O Jacob, And Israel, My called: I am He, I am the First, I am also the Last"...)

GOD is indeed ONE.

And look at Isaiah 48:16 (the section about Israel's salvation, the Light of the Gentiles, etc... this whole book is interesting... many chapters appear to have a communication of sorts between Jesus and GOD... check it out).

“Come near to Me, hear this: I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; From the time that it was, I was there. And now the Lord GOD and His Spirit Have sent Me.”

I believe the 'Me' is Christ Jesus, if you look at the whole book of Isaiah in context. And take note that it says 'the Lord GOD and HIS Holy Spirit'... sounds like two different people to me...

If you disagree, pleas explain why. If you agree, please explain why. If I've 'got it all wrong'... please explain why.

I'm basically encouraging feedback :)

- Theist @ http://goodbible.blogspot.com/

Here is another favorite passage of the ignorant atheists and Satanists that they use to try and illustrate that GOD delights in human sacrifice. It's found in Judges 11 and deals with a man named Jephthah who became a judge over Israel (they had judges before they had kings). Jephthah made a vow to the LORD before heading off into battle, and ended up having to sacrifice his daughter to the LORD.

But what kind of sacrifice was this? Did Jephthah kill and burn his daughter as a human sacrifice to GOD?

The willfully ignorant atheists and Satanists would say yes and give you only two passages to read, the first of which is:

Judges 11 (NKJV):
29Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah, and he passed through Gilead and Manasseh, and passed through Mizpah of Gilead; and from Mizpah of Gilead he advanced toward the people of Ammon.
30 And Jephthah made a vow to the LORD, and said, “If You will indeed deliver the people of Ammon into my hands,
31 then it will be that whatever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the people of Ammon, shall surely be the LORD’s, and I will offer it up as a burnt offering.”

But why don't we see what really happened with Jephthah and his vow to GOD.

The only way to know the whole story is to look at the whole passage and not just bits and pieces. So here we go...

KEY: (words like this are my own); the asterisks*** mean you should take special note; this [!huh!] means I don't get it; this [wow] means I'm amazed.

Judges 11

1 Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valor, but he was the son of a harlot;*** and Gilead begot Jephthah.

2 Gilead’s wife bore sons; and when his wife’s sons grew up, they drove Jephthah out, and said to him, “You shall have no inheritance in our father’s house, for you are the son of another woman.”***
Then Jephthah fled from his brothers and dwelt in the land of Tob; and worthless men*** banded together with Jephthah and went out raiding with him.
4 It came to pass after a time that the people of Ammon made war against Israel.
And so it was, when the people of Ammon made war against Israel, that the elders of Gilead went to get Jephthah from the land of Tob.
Then they said to Jephthah, “Come and be our commander, that we may fight against the people of Ammon.”***
7 So Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, “Did you not hate me, and expel me from my father’s house? Why have you come to me now when you are in distress?”
8 And the elders of Gilead said to Jephthah, “That is why we have turned again to you now, that you may go with us and fight against the people of Ammon, and be our head over all the inhabitants of Gilead.”
9 So Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, “If you take me back home to fight against the people of Ammon, and the LORD delivers them to me, shall I be your head?”
10 And the elders of Gilead said to Jephthah, “The LORD will be a witness between us, if we do not do according to your words.”
Then Jephthah went with the elders of Gilead, and the people made him head and commander over them; and Jephthah spoke all his words before the LORD in Mizpah.
12 Now Jephthah sent messengers to the king of the people of Ammon, saying, “What do you have against me, that you have come to fight against me in my land?”
13 And the king of the people of Ammon answered the messengers of Jephthah, “Because Israel took away my land when they came up out of Egypt, from the Arnon as far as the Jabbok, and to the Jordan. Now therefore, restore those lands peaceably.”
14 So Jephthah again sent messengers to the king of the people of Ammon,
and said to him, “Thus says Jephthah: ‘Israel did not take away the land of Moab, nor the land of the people of Ammon;
16 for when Israel came up from Egypt, they walked through the wilderness as far as the Red Sea and came to Kadesh.
Then Israel sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, “Please let me pass through your land.” But the king of Edom would not heed. And in like manner they sent to the king of Moab, but he would not consent. So Israel remained in Kadesh. 18 And they went along through the wilderness and bypassed the land of Edom and the land of Moab, came to the east side of the land of Moab, and encamped on the other side of the Arnon. But they did not enter the border of Moab, for the Arnon was the border of Moab.
Then Israel sent messengers to Sihon king of the Amorites, king of Heshbon; and Israel said to him, “Please let us pass through your land into our place.”
But Sihon did not trust Israel to pass through his territory. So Sihon gathered all his people together, encamped in Jahaz, and fought against Israel.
And the LORD God of Israel delivered Sihon and all his people into the hand of Israel, and they defeated them. Thus Israel gained possession of all the land of the Amorites, who inhabited that country.
They took possession of all the territory of the Amorites, from the Arnon to the Jabbok and from the wilderness to the Jordan.
23 ‘And now the LORD God of Israel has dispossessed the Amorites from before His people Israel; should you then possess it?
Will you not possess whatever Chemosh your god gives you to possess? So whatever the LORD our God takes possession of before us, we will possess.
And now, are you any better than Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab? Did he ever strive against Israel? Did he ever fight against them?
While Israel dwelt in Heshbon and its villages, in Aroer and its villages, and in all the cities along the banks of the Arnon, for three hundred years, why did you not recover them within that time?
27 Therefore I have not sinned against you, but you wronged me by fighting against me. May the LORD, the Judge, render judgment this day between the children of Israel and the people of Ammon.’”
28 However, the king of the people of Ammon did not heed the words which Jephthah sent him.

29 Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah,*** and he passed through Gilead and Manasseh, and passed through Mizpah of Gilead; and from Mizpah of Gilead he advanced toward the people of Ammon.
And Jephthah made a vow to the LORD, and said, “If You will indeed deliver the people of Ammon into my hands,
then it will be that whatever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the people of Ammon, shall surely be the LORD’s, and I will offer it up as a burnt offering."***
32 So Jephthah advanced toward the people of Ammon to fight against them, and the LORD delivered them into his hands.
And he defeated them from Aroer as far as Minnith—twenty cities—and to Abel Keramim, with a very great slaughter. Thus the people of Ammon were subdued before the children of Israel.

34 When Jephthah came to his house at Mizpah, there was his daughter, coming out to meet him with timbrels and dancing; and she was his only child. Besides her he had neither son nor daughter.***
And it came to pass, when he saw her, that he tore his clothes, and said, “Alas, my daughter! You have brought me very low! You are among those who trouble me! For I have given my word to the LORD, and I cannot go back on it.”
36 So she said to him, “My father, if you have given your word to the LORD, do to me according to what has gone out of your mouth, because the LORD has avenged you of your enemies, the people of Ammon.”
Then she said to her father, “Let this thing be done for me: let me alone for two months, that I may go and wander on the mountains and bewail my virginity, my friends and I.”***
38 So he said, “Go.” And he sent her away for two months; and she went with her friends, and bewailed her virginity on the mountains.***
39 And it was so at the end of two months that she returned to her father, and he carried out his vow with her which he had vowed. She knew no man.***
And it became a custom in Israel
that the daughters of Israel went four days each year to lament the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite.


That was a long chapter.

1. Anyway, so Jephthah, despite his past (being basically disowned from his family by his (half)brothers because his mother was a harlot (whore/prostitute), is chosen by GOD to rule over the people and lead them in battle - victoriously. Now, not being a stranger to the power of GOD, Jephthah asked GOD Almighty to lead him as he lead the people in battle. In exchange, Jephthah promised to dedicate the first thing (he said whatever, not whoever) to greet him upon his return home to the LORD.

We must take note that some time before Jephthah makes this oath, it says in verse 29 that 'the Spirit of the LORD' came upon him. Are we to interpret that GOD inspired Jephthah to make this promise? I think it would have said that the Spirit of the LORD moved Jephthah to speak that vow. Based on other similar verses, it appears that the Spirit did not inspire Jephthah to make this vow; Jephthah foolishly took it upon himself to make such a promise.

As a matter of fact, it seems that whenever it says in the Holy Bible that 'the Spirit of the LORD' came upon someone, it was usually followed by this person accomplishing a great feat...READ IT.

Here's one similar passage found in Judges that deals with the people getting a judge:

Judges 3:9-10:

9 When the children of Israel cried out to the LORD, the LORD raised up a deliverer for the children of Israel, who delivered them: Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother.
The Spirit of the LORD came upon him, and he judged Israel***. He went out to war, and the LORD delivered Cushan-Rishathaim king of Mesopotamia into his hand; and his hand prevailed over Cushan-Rishathaim.

So again, it seems quite unlikely that it was GOD who caused Jephthah to make such a vow. And take note, Jephthah didn't expect that a human being would be greeting him, it's like he expected the family dog to come greeting him or something...not that that is any better.

2. So Jephthah makes a stupid vow, wins the battle and comes back home. Who greets him as he returns? - His daughter - his one and only child. It's quiet clear that he had only one child in his lifetime...because it says quite plainly 'besides her he had neither son nor daughter'. Now why emphasize this if it's possible that the man will have other children besides her?

And look at Jephthah's reaction? He tears his clothes when he realizes the stupidity of his vow! He will have to sacrifice his only offspring to the LORD. If he planned on having other children, he would have consoled himself with that fact. But this daughter was the only one carrying on his bloodline.

3. In verse 31, Jephthah says he will offer up to the LORD this thing that greets him as a 'burnt offering'. So Jephthah had expected that he would be burning a thing in sacrifice. In no way was it possible that a person would be given in burnt sacrifice to GOD. GOD HATES PEOPLE BEING USED AS BURNED SACRIFICE. It states so quite explicitly several times through out the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. It's quite obvious that instead of a burning sacrifice as Jephthah intended, he would now have to give GOD a living sacrifice - his daughter.

Again GOD hates human sacrifice and curses out those who do it. You can read about just how much he hates this pagan, satanic act: Hosea 13, Isaiah 57:4-6, Ezekiel 16:20-22, Leviticus 18:20-22.

4. Take note in verses 37 and 38, that Jephthah's daughter 'bewailed her virginity'. If her father told her that she was going to be sacrificed to GOD, why would she get upset about her virginity? For the very same reason her father got upset that he had promised his only child as a sacrifice to GOD - because she would never get married and have children! That means no offspring for Jephthah either - his bloodline is officially dead. If you've read the Old Testament at all, you know how important it was for women to get married and have kids (remember Abraham and Sarah and how bent out of shape Sarah was over not being able to have kids?). It's the same thing today with many men - the expect their bloodline to be carried on through their children. Well, no go for Jephthah.

5. So when Jephthah's daughter returned from her period of mourning, she was dedicated to the LORD...and the next sentence says 'and she knew no man' -- she was a living sacrifice (as many nuns and priests are supposed to be today). And since that time, it became a tradition in Israel for the young women to commemorate his daughter's sacrifice...a young woman not being able to get married and therefore have children - a definite dark cloud in that society during that time.

Why would GOD inspire someone to kill their own child in sacrifice to HIM?
- HE would never do such a thing. If HE condemns people for burning their children in sacrifice to pagan gods, then why would HE have them do that as sacrifice to HIM? HE would never. GOD doesn't lie. HE has never told a lie because once it leaves HIS mouth, it's etched in stone. Therefore it is impossible for GOD to lie.

Why did Jephthah make such a vow? - Who knows. People make foolish mistakes all the time. He obviously never expected that he'd have to sacrifice his own daughter or any human being. And like Abraham, his child would be the most difficult sacrifice he could ever make - he only had one kid and his entire bloodline rested with her. Perhaps GOD made his daughter come greet him to test him and see if he would really keep his word. I don't know. But I bet you that if Jephthah had gone back on his word, he wouldn't have had a very successful run as judge over Israel.

THE BOTTOM LINE GOD is no respecter of persons when it comes to your past or where you live, your skin color, etc. All GOD cares about is your sincere devotion to HIM. You put yourself under HIS will, HE will never fail you. Also, based on Jephthah's behavior, it's best not to make rash promises...cause you can't go back on them. If you go back on your word, you end up looking like a turd, right? You have no idea for sure what tomorrow or the next hour may bring, despite what may seem so obvious to you... so don't say things you're not sure about really meaning.

- Theist @ http://goodbible.blogspot.com/

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